Iran: Desecrating mass grave site would destroy crucial forensic evidence


Amnesty International:

June 2, 2017
Amnesty International:

The desecration of a mass grave site in Ahvaz, southern Iran that contains the remains of at least 44 people who were extra-judicially executed would destroy vital forensic evidence and scupper opportunities for justice for the mass prisoner killings that took place across the country in 1988, said Amnesty International and Justice for Iran.

Photo and video evidence obtained by the NGO Justice for Iran and reviewed by Amnesty International shows bulldozers working on a construction project directly alongside the mass grave site in Ahvaz, as well as piles of dirt and construction debris surrounding the grave. Although the Iranian authorities have made no official announcements about Ahvaz, families learned through a construction worker that the plan is to ultimately raze the concrete block marking the grave site and build over the area.

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