NCRI’s revelations on the Iranian Regime’s Attack on Saudi Oil Installations


Written by Mohammad Sadat Khansari     |    September 30, 2019

On Monday, September 30, 2019, the National Council of Resistance of Iran‘s U.S. Representative Office held a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, DC exposing exclusive and top secret information sourced from inside the Iranian regime obtained by the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) detailing the missile and drone attack carried out by the Iranian regime against the oil facilities of Saudi Arabia in Abqaiq and Khurais on September 14, 2019.

NCRI-US provided detailed information about the operation resulting in the attack which involved the highest levels of the IRGC who directed it at every step. Ali Khamenei, supreme leader of the regime, directly ordered the commanders of the operation to conduct the attack, and the tactical command headquarters for the operation deployed from Tehran to Khuzestan province (southwest Iran) one week prior to the attack. The missiles used in the attack were Ya-Ali cruise missiles, nicknamed Anti-Ali missiles by the Iranian people, produced by the Thamen-ol A’emeh Industries situated in Parchin, Tehran.

Soona Samsami, the U.S. Representative of the NCRI, started the conference, and NCRI-US Deputy Director, Alireza Jafarzadeh, using a PowerPoint presentation, showed maps, graphs, and photos of the Detailed Timeline of Attack Operation.

The conference was live cast on NCRI-US website and all its social media tools.

NCRI-US Deputy Director, Alireza Jafarzadeh

Below is part of the details as provided at the conference by Alireza Jafarzadeh.

  1. The Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) of the Iranian regime approved a plan for an attack against Saudi Arabian oil facilities in a session on Wednesday, July 31, 2019, presided over by the Iranian regime’s president, Hassan Rouhani. The regime’s foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif is also a regular member of the SNSC and attends its sessions. Several of the IRGC commanders were present in the meeting.

After Khamenei’s initial approval of this operation, detailed planning began and the SNSC referred the plan to Khamenei for final approval. Khamenei ordered IRGC Major General Rashid and Brigadier General Hajizadeh to begin the operational implementation of the plan.

  1. The commanders of the operation from the IRGC air force deployed from Tehran to Khuzestan province in southwest Iran on September 7, a week prior to the attack.
  2. This squad of commanders set up headquarters in a part of Omidiyeh base near Ahvaz (situated between the cities of Omidiyeh and Ahvaz in Khuzestan province, about 85 kilometers southeast of Ahvaz).
  3. A section of this base is used by the IRGC air force and is commanded by IRGC commander Amiri. The regular armed forces southwestern air defenses are situated in Omidiyeh and units of the regular army air defense and air force is stationed in the base. The presence of regular army units in the base provided a suitable cover for concealing the presence of IRGC forces in this operation.
  4. Another group of IRGC commanders and personnel with expertise in missiles and drones transferred from the IRGC’s third naval region in Mahshahr (119 kilometers south of Ahvaz) to the Omidiyeh base to participate in this operation.
  5. A few days after the IRGC air force’s missile and drone unit carried out the attack on September 14, 2019, the operational commanders reported in detail to IRGC Major General Gholam-Ali Rashid, commander of the central headquarters Khatam- ol Anbiya.
  6. Based on the latest reports received from inside Iran, a new squad from the IRGC air force from Tehran has entered Omidiyeh base on Sunday, September 22, 2019. There is no information on their orders yet.

See full report 


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